As the invidious service received it's first "wave" of donations, I started exploring different service providers. Some of the donations came in Bitcoins, which meant that I would have to find a provider accepting them. I tried [aeza]( (1 CPU / 1 Gbps@unmetered / 2GB RAM / 5€/month) which seemed to be promising as they offered unlimited networking with 1 Gbps port. To my surprise I started having troubles with them. The server just couldn't keep up with all the traffic (I suspect that the 1 CPU core was too little for the high traffic). Even though I was routing only every fourth request to this server, netdata was constantly sending messages alerting that the server had a high number of sent TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. Now (02.8.2023) I have removed the server from the nginx load balancing. Currently I am looking towards to with their 80TB bandwidth and excellent quality. I though have to wait to get my account verified. PS. This is not meant to be a good blog. It is more like a public diary where I keep notes about my server stuff. PS. PS. This service will soon(tm) become usable from domain.