As the service has grown significantly (currently a total of 525 users from which 349 have been active in the last month), I have seen how the instance has become "laggy" and sometimes unusable. I tried using all kinds of small fixes (database on another server, nginx load balancing to two servers), but they just did not work effectively. Now at the time of writing, I have bought a new dedicated server from Hetzner (it costs about 40€/month). I want to see how the server handles invidious, as there are not other services using resources on this dedi. I have to disclose though that I do not have the money to pay for this extra server only for invidious. If you like the service please consider donating, as this help me cover the payments. You can see different payment options at Paypal is preferred as I it doesn't require any currency exchanges to conver the money to euros. If I don't get enough donations, I have to switch to the old server or to some small VPS.